Morning Routine: 3 Excellent Ways to Improve Your health

4 min readNov 20, 2022

Not everyone looks forward to early mornings with the same zeal as, say, a night out with friends. That is perfectly normal! However, if you can develop the habit of becoming a “morning person,” we guarantee you’ll notice a significant improvement in your life.

If you’re looking for a new approach to your morning routine that will leave you feeling energized and healthy, we have a few ideas!

If you want to learn more about getting in shape and adopting a healthy exercise routine that can also improve your morning, contact Apex Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation! We can help you change your morning routine for the better!

Choosing to be a morning person

It is true that training your body to wake up early every day without feeling tired can be difficult. We’ve all used the same excuse when we’ve had to get up earlier than usual: “But I’m not a morning person!” The truth is that anyone who desires to become an early riser can do so.

One technique for making waking up early easier is to focus on your goals. If you get up earlier, you will have more time in the day to be productive and work towards your goals.

Anyone can incorporate an earlier start to the day into their morning routine. When your alarm goes off and you want to hit the snooze button, remember your daily goals and why you’re getting up earlier- to make progress.

A simple daily reminder of your goal for the day, whatever it may be, can provide you with the extra boost of energy you require to get out of bed. After a while, waking up early will become a natural part of your morning routine!

The importance of getting active

Although exercising first thing in the morning may not be your preference, getting some physical activity in your day is critical.

Find a way to get some physical activity first thing in the morning, whether it’s a 2-minute jog in place or a 15-minute yoga session.

It not only makes your body physically healthier, but it also provides you with a fresh psychological start to the day.

If pain is holding you back, our physical therapists can help. Give a call, and we’ll help you make every morning a great one!

Remember to stay hydrated

Many people simply do not get enough water each day. If you exercise on a daily basis or participate in physical therapy treatments, it is especially important to stay hydrated because sweating removes water from your body.

It is critical to drink at least two full glasses of water first thing in the morning — and you can have them alongside your nutritional breakfast!

This is a minor modification to your morning routine, but it can help you wake up and feel ready to face the day.

It is also a good idea to carry a water bottle with you throughout the day that you can refill as needed, especially when attending physical therapy sessions or exercising on your own. If you want to feel your best, never skimp on hydration!

Start out with a morning stretch

Reach your arms to the ceiling and flex your fingers before getting out of bed. Stretching like this will energize every part of your body!

Move your hand, wrist, and fingers. Stretch your stomach and fill your lungs. Experiment with tightening and releasing your legs, calves, ankles, feet, and toes.

Finish with a neck and back stretch that will propel you out of bed. You loosen your muscles and increase the flow of oxygen by doing so. This healthy approach to your morning routine will leave you feeling significantly more energized.

Is a chronic illness holding you back?

Morning routines can be complicated by chronic illnesses; however, physical therapy can help.

As stated by Oxford Academic,

“The impact of chronic diseases on health and wellness can be significantly altered by individual health and behavior choices or modifications. Furthermore, the burden of chronic disease goes beyond health and the health care system and may influence an individual’s wellness.”

Physical therapy can help you overcome the limitations imposed by your chronic condition and live the life you want.

Working with a physical therapist can help you find the perfect morning routine for your specific needs, so you can get a jumpstart to your days without being limited by pain.

Ready to make a change? Contact us today!

Steve Jobs once said that as a part of his morning routine, he would look in the mirror and ask himself:

“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?”

If the answer was “no” too many days in a row, he realized he needed to make a change in his life. Consider making this your personal mantra.

Are you ready to kickstart your mornings? Please contact Apex Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation right away! We can assist you in determining the best morning routine for you.

